Just to emphasize my point for the benefit of potential thumbs-downers: I have a Ph.D. in entomology, and I know a lot about wasps, including Sphecius speciosus, the eastern cicada killer.
It's NOT a cicada killer. We have those too
Most likely a hornet as they make holes in the ground to lay eggs for reproduction.
It's actually sounds like a Cicada Killer Wasp. They make burrows underground for their nests. Be careful where you walk on lawns, as they can sting if aggravated, but they're mostly interested in preying on cicadas.
It was a sand digging wasp.
it's jesus calling, he said run for yo life.
forever work, xoxo tamar
I'm a lifeguard at a pool in central Virginia. The other day I saw this 2-4in. Flying insect. It looked very menacing. It had a brownish/ yellow head and a black and white striped body. It dug a hole and left a dirt pile the size of a large ant hill. It looks like it can sting. It's very agressive. What type of bug is this?