> I hate flies, how to get rid of them?

I hate flies, how to get rid of them?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
You will think I am joking but this is true. I taught myself to communicate with flies after reading about it in a book. I can get them to land near me and let me put a plastic cup over them, then slide a cardboard under it and take them to the door and release them. Be assured that they really want to get out. My husband did it too and he even got one to land on his finger and he carried it to the door. But this won 't work if you hate or fear them. Try to think of one thing to admire about a fly. Like the pretty iridescent colors or how they can walk upside down. Try to understand that every creature wants to live and be free. Flies do not understand words, you have to think in images. Tell them you want to help them be free by imagining how it would feel for them to soar freely in the fresh air and sunshine. Try to develop some compassion toward nature. If you can 't catch them at least ask them nicely to leave or to stay away from you.

plant daisies in a pot , wipe down window sills etc. with cloth that has kerosene on it , also they do't like air movement , buy a small fan for the kitchen

Purchase a product, from a farm supply store, called Golden Maldrin. Have used it for years.

here's a fun way to kill em'.... http://www.amazon.com/BUG-A-SALT-Fire-Yo...

I have a terrible phobia with flies. They scare and disgust me to the point to where I can't even look at one or get near one. It's summer time and they seem to keep getting in the house when I go out to walk my puppy. I don't know what to do. When I see one buzzing around a freak out and run to my room and lock myself in there until my husband gets home. I've tried therapy but some phobias just don't get fixed. Please help. Anything to help repel flies from my house? NOT FLY STRIPS. Like I said I can't even look at them so seeing a bunch of little dead ones on a sticky strip will not give me a solution. My mother said that I should keep my apartment extremely tidy and clean because they smell trash and food and things that us humans can't. I liked that advice but I need a repellent. Something to hang around doors or a spray to repel them. Everyone thinks I'm childish for feeling this way but I can't help it. I'm terrified of them. My mom says I'm a giant human and they're little tiny insignificant creatures but they're ugly and disgusting and come from satan. So again, a fly repellent that's either a spray or something to put around windows and doors and no fly strips??! Thanks