> Is This Wasp Dangerous? (serious inquiry)?

Is This Wasp Dangerous? (serious inquiry)?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 

Ive killed 8 of these in the house. I think I've identified it ad a wasp. If it is a wasp, is this dangerous?

It's a solitary sphecid wasp totally harmless to humans.

I can't see it too well in the picture, but it appears to be a solitary wasp, the kind that catches other insects like caterpillars as food for it's larvae. It stings, but I've never known one to sting a human. If you see a bunch of them together on a piece of food, I retract everything I just said.

It is only dangerous if you are highly allergic to bee stings, and it is only going to sting you if you annoy it. Wasps are not aggressive and don't want to sting if they don't have to. There are many types of wasps, and all are beneficial to the garden. Instead of killing it, follow where it goes as if you've found so many in the house there might be a nearby nest. In any event, don't kill them, just shoo them outdoors so they can carry on with their important business.

hey!!! i know that wasp! his name is Gary, he is a nice guy.. was :'(


Ive killed 8 of these in the house. I think I've identified it ad a wasp. If it is a wasp, is this dangerous?