> Is it rude to sell furniture that was passed down?

Is it rude to sell furniture that was passed down?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Well, socially, yes, it is considered a bit rude to the person who gave it to you. But you also have a right to do what you want to with your possessions. Also, if the items are not in good condition, was used before, is old or you had it for a long time, then it wouldn't be as big of a deal. Most people wouldn't mind if people sold their furniture. Things go out of style or need to go out due to clutter. But there is also a chance that their feelings might be slightly hurt.

It depends on the person. If they are sensitive or the furniture they gave you was important to them then they might be a little upset. If they are understanding or not as sensitive, then I think they wouldn't really mind as much.

There is always an option of asking your parents too...

Nope. The couch your mom gave you, was a nice gesture, but I bet if you ask her, she didn't intend for you to hold on to it forever and ever. Same with the bed. Once it is given to you, it is yours. If you think it might upset them, ask. If they say they would like it back, give it to them. Seriously, they can not expect you to pay for storage on furniture that you didn't choose. My first set of dishes was given to me by my Aunt, 40 years ago. I sure hope she wasn't expecting me to keep them forever.

No. Most often in these situations the people aren't giving you these things to be nice. They are doing it to offload their old junk onto someone else. They wouldn't offer you these things if they wanted to keep them. They may perceive it as rude, but it is not. You can be civil in refusing it though. In the future do this:

1) Politely decline and say you really appreciate it but you are planning on exploring other options.

2) If they say, "C'mon I insist," you can decline again and if they still insist then take their old stuff because at this point they will most likely be offended if you refuse them.

3) Sell or donate it to someone else. If they ask you about it later or come over and see you no longer own it, be honest and forthright. Explain to them you clearly did not want it and made that point known but they stubbornly resisted.

4) Do not feel guilty. You were honest, not rude. They are selfish. Family, especially your parents, often feel entitled to controlling you and getting everything they want. You're an adult and don't owe them social niceties if they are going to be so easily offended by unimportant matters such as material possessions.


I was wondering what you guys think...

Is it rude to sell things that were passed on down to you?

For example..... my mom gave me a couch (we recently got our first house) we bought another couch so we have 2. Is it rude to sell both to get a better set ?

Another example. ... my dad gave me my bed I had when I lived with him. It's a California king bed. My husband and I are wanting something smaller... so we want to sell. But I don't want to be rude?