I actually do the same thing. I toss and turn a lot, so the pillow does tend to slide out. Plus, I like the texture of the shams better against my face lol. They can be machine washed, so why not??
You can do whatever you wish. YOu will find that with more expensive or some expensive sheets have an extra flap of material that keeps the pillow case on your pillow. I often sleep in my recliner and have huge shams that are very pretty to pad my cheap recliner. My best advice is to be really careful when buying a cheap recliner. I wanted it because it vibrates and makes my old bones feel better. Now I need it because you can feel the plywood they made the horrible thing out of and my big shams pad the arms on both sides. Check out Tuesday Morning for really good buys on exceptional shams.
I don't think it matters
I like shams better because the pillow can't slip out of the sides like they can with cases. But is this unheard of? I mean, do other people do this?