> Is mixing paint a bad idea?

Is mixing paint a bad idea?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
its ok as long as the paints are both water based they will mix together.

read the labels, if it says on the tin, rinse your brushes in water, then you are ok.

you must make sure that you mix enough to cover the whole area with the mix. and you usually need to put on 2 coats of the paint on the wall. one coat would look patchy

It's fine as long as the paints you are mixing all have the same base, either water or oil. Mix them long enough and the colour will be even throughout. But the only good reason for mixing your own paint colour is that you have leftover paint that you want to use up. If you are buying new paint, paint stores will mix any colour you want, and it does not cost extra to buy paint that the store colours for you. It would actually cost you more to buy a large can of paint and then a couple of smaller ones to mix into it.

Paint is cheaper in large cans. If you bought 10 litres of paint in small cans, it would probably cost twice as much as buying the same amount of paint in a large can.

I think it would be cheaper and more effective just to get the basic white emulsion tinted to the exact shade you want, most places don't charge for tinting and those that do it's usually only a small fee. The only reason I could think of for doing it the way you suggested would be because you already have those paints on hand. As the others said though, you need to make sure they are the same type of paint. 10L of paint will go a long way, depending on the size of the room I can normally do two coats in one bedroom with 4-5L of paint.

As long as it doesnt look ugly like if u use ir mix a green color it looks discusting but u can mix it as long it look nice an pretty.

As long as they are the same type of paint, it should be be fine. You wouldn't want to mix a latex paint with an oil based paint.

I've done it before, just like you are planning. I had a white and a little black latex paint, I mixed them up and it worked fine.

I poured the amount of white paint I needed into a new bucket and then added the black a LITTLE at a time. Mix it up real good and check if it's the right shade. You can always add more black, or even white, to get it just right.

I am hoping to re-decorate a bedroom this year and was wondering if mixing paints would be a silly thing to do. I am looking to paint the walls a pale off white/ grey colour, I was wondering if I could by a 10 litre pot of basic white emulsion paint and 1/2 sample pots of black paint and mix them together to make the grey colour we would like rather than spending a lot more money buying pots of grey paint? Would it work? and would the colour be consistent once painted on the walls?( not streaky) Any advice will be helpful!