> Is this weed leaves!!! please help?

Is this weed leaves!!! please help?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
is this weed leaves.If it is then why i did not see any of buds on the plant.Please tell me evry thing about it....


Cannabis sativus, so it gets a bit bigger before budding. Smoking the big shag leaves -once dry- at this stage won't do much more than satisfy an urge to smoke and maybe get a slight buzz.If you want "to know all abought it" I would major on it in college. It's Carver and the peanut all over again, except this peanut has an innate paper and textile capability.

It it very similar to weed leaves

it's probably a japanese maple leaf. those dudes are common and when the trees are babies they look more like green stems with leaves like this rather than having a woody stem. if you really want to know if it's weed, you could light it

Yes this is a weed leaf.

is this weed leaves.If it is then why i did not see any of buds on the plant.Please tell me evry thing about it....