> Land ownership help!! Read description please! Based in UK?

Land ownership help!! Read description please! Based in UK?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
It's called an easement. If you have your deeds you can get them checked by a solicitor. If the mortgage lender holds them they will release the to a solicitor for a fee but not you. Get the solicitor to tell you what the wording means then have a word with your neighbours informally before you start getting heavy. Best to have cordial relations with them but if the former owner of yours gave them verbal or written consent then unless that was communicated to you during the sale then you have a claim against them for the cost of sorting this out.

If they only have right of way or access and the courtyard belongs to you then they cannot put up decking etc and use the courtyard as their own if you object. If the courtyard is jointly owned then I guess you just have to compromise with who has what.

No adverse possession in this case at all, and never will be. You say own -- did you buy this house, if so it will say in the deeds this is access only and not for anyone to put anything permanent on. You should talk to your Solicitor about it. If rented, then it makes no difference as you don't own anything.


i used to have a property where there was a right of way ..this is intended for access only ...they have no rights to place anything on your land ...get it sorted

We own a courtyard which has a right of way (or access, not sure which wording) over it for the other 4 neighbours to get to their sheds or back doors. Over some time (will have to check exact length) the neighbours have erected decking and put flower pots and benches in the courtyard. The previous owners of the house (we have moved in around one year ago) had not objected to this. I am worried that they have been able to claim adverse possession of the courtyard. Is this true? Do we have any right to stop them somehow?