> Looking for silicone material for a membrane.?

Looking for silicone material for a membrane.?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 

Thank you for your reply.

The membrane will be penetrated by array of little metal pins acting as a punch (each pin of diameter approx. 1mm and pins in array 3x3, pins very close to each other). Pins will be pushing the membrane into corresponding holes in a plate/matrix. Obviously proper tolerances maintained will prevent the membrane being squeezed by pins against side walls of holes in matrix.

The membrane will not be in contact with water.

I need to be able to make the membrane myself (by casting it properly) despite that some sheet silicone/rubber materials are available on the market.


you also forgot to mention what the membranes intended use is, most silicones are not recommended for continuous water submersion

if your building a shower pan there are waterproof membranes available