> Massive room to look smaller!?

Massive room to look smaller!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I'm going from a room of a size of 11 by 9 to a room the size of 13'3 by 13'9! Is that very big for a bedroom bc I'm worried about it feeling empty :( any tips?

You will find the junk to fill the room no problem.

Use darker colours on the walls and fill up up with as much furniture as you'd like

It might work to put your bed in the middle of the room against one wall instead of two :)

i think you are over estimating the size it will feel like

its not big, only bigger than you are used to

enjoy having the extra room, it wont feel so big once you have everything in there

It's not big - just bigger than you're used to - I agree with Merlin.

I'm going from a room of a size of 11 by 9 to a room the size of 13'3 by 13'9! Is that very big for a bedroom bc I'm worried about it feeling empty :( any tips?