> Mosquito nets for head while sleeping?

Mosquito nets for head while sleeping?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Better than nets is the Mortein spray that is battery operated & automatically squirts out a burst of insect spray every 10 or 12 minutes.I have one in my bedroom & you know we Aussies have more mozzies than you do.They leave me alone all night.The spray is not harmful to humans,pleasant smelling and can be found wherever they sell insect sprays.You may not have mortein brand there,but there are other brands such as Raid etc.

So I live in a house that generally doesn't have a mosquito problem. But in the summer months those voracious hell spawn inevitably find my room and turn sleeping into mission impossible. Are there any nets that can cover just my head and shoulders while I sleep? I don't want to have to hang an entire netting for my whole bed since my body is generally covered by my blankets anyway and this isn't a consistent problem. But a nice net that I could pull out and set over myself quickly would be nice. Alternatively are there any good bed nets that don't have to be hung with nails?