> Mosquitoes?


Posted at: 2014-09-26 
My family has the same problem. But what we do is when we have a fire you stand in the smoke and let it get in your clothes. Then the mosquitoes will stay away. Good thing too because they think it's a fire spreading (: good luck

They sell mosquito dunks to put in standing water that can't be drained. Next year I would get some and use them to prevent mosquitoes from hatching. They also make mosquito repellant granules that you spread around a perimeter. I use the Off Wearable Fan. It is a small device with a cartridge of repellant and a fan to disperse it. But it is for one person only.



we have used one of those yard bug control things you hook to your hose, and spray your yard with bug stuff. it always worked good for us.

Were having a bbq for Fourth of July and were going to do fire works. It's our tradition but there's always tons if mosquitoes and bug spray and smoke bombs only work so well. Are there any other ways to get the mosquitoes away?