> Moth problem- help!?

Moth problem- help!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
The moths might be coming from some pet food. You did not find them in the pantry food.

The Indian Meal moth can also be in dried flowers, nuts, baits, decorative wall hangings with beans and spices and can come from the attic. Moth balls are toxic.

More than likely your moths are either Angoumois grain moths or Mediterranean meal moths, both of which are pests of stored foods. Check your boxes of cereal products again for webbing which is a sure sign of the moths. Food sticks to the webbing. If your boxes are OK, you probably have some spilled cereal products in cracks between shelves and the sides of a cabinet. The moths aren't coming from the outside.

Moth balls are made of paradichlorobenzene which is a carcinogen. Not a good idea.

This sounds like cloths moths. They lay eggs in dark inaccessible places such as behind furniture. When the larvae hatch they cause the damage eating natural materials such as wool and cotton. If your carpet is synthetic then it will be safe from them. You don't need to use chemicals to deter them. You can get moth traps that contain a moth hormone that attracts the moths or you can use cedar wood balls and sachets to keep them away. Lakeland do lots of natural moth repellents as well as chemicals which you can find on their website.

For the past few months we have been noticing more and more of the little moths flying about the house. I had a massive clearout just over a month ago and hoovered everywhere (we only have carpet in the bedrooms) and cleaned out all of the cupboards etc but didn't unearth any larvae or any sources for them.

I'm pregnant so I'm really reluctant to use anything chemical like sprays etc. As of yet I haven't noticed any holes in the clothes and they do seem to be more in the living room and in the kitchen. The house is a three story with the kitchen and bathroom downstairs at garden level, the living room at groundfloor level and the bedrooms upstairs. We also have open fireplaces in the living room and upstairs. Could this be where they are coming from?

Does anyone have any solutions for the living room and kitchen that don't involve chemicals? I thought of moth balls but wasn't sure if they were more for clothes or where I would put them in the living room or the kitchen.

Any help appreciated as they are driving me insane.