> My cactus is turning brown, help?

My cactus is turning brown, help?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Unlike many other plants that are watered directly after planting, cacti should not be. They need time to settle in dry situations for a couple of weeks.

Cut the cactus straight across about an inch above the brown where it's green and fleshy and let the bottom dry and callus over. Without being planted in a pot the cactus will grow more roots .When you see the roots growing you can replant the cactus but don't water it for a couple of weeks to let the roots grow more.

One of my columnar cacti, which is like yours, I keep with the top sliced off . It develops little cacti all round the rim of the cut and when they're about an inch across I cut them off with a sharp knife let the bottoms dry for a few days and then plant them dry until they've rooted. I slice off the top below where the little ones have grown and another lot grow round the new rim.

You could restart your cactus using the same method I use for my baby cacti it takes longer to dry and callus over being larger but it will work.

I've had this same cactus for a few years now and it's done well. I believe I've treated it well, but for like a year now it's been turning brown at the base. It's not soft and mushy, it's very hard (the brown part). I recently re-potted the cactus because I believed it was getting a little big for it's old pot. I did extensive research on what to get to make some cactus potting soil, but did not have most of the ingredients necessary. So I used what I had, and I'd say my mixture of soil is about 50% premium potting soil, 25% small gravel, 25% sand, give or take. I figured that would be good and enough soil and sand to let water travel freely through the pot. Perhaps I'm overreacting, but I feel like my cactus is dying from the re-potting. Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions, anything at all to help me?