> My ceiling leaks badly every rainfall?

My ceiling leaks badly every rainfall?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Is it your own house or is it a rental property, I ask?

UR own - you need to find the source of the leak in the roof. Perhaps a friend/carpenter/roofer can repair the leak for little money.

Placing buckets is only a temp. job. You need to fix the roof leak or you will have bigger rot problems in a short time.

The best way to deal with the problem without money is to crawl up into the attic when it's raining and place your buckets there. Then the water will be collected before it ever gets to your room. But you will still need to empty the buckets after each rain, just like before. If you could climb up onto the roof on a sunny day and find the leak(s), you could tack some plastic sheeting over the holes. This plastic could be obtained by cutting a plastic garbage bag into a flat sheet.

Good luck.

P.S. You could also contact your local "Habitat for Humanity" chapter. They might take on your roof as one of their projects. Also, local boy scout troupes are always looking for good projects for scouts to use as qualifying for the rank of Eagle Scout. They would then fix the leaks for free.

Contact a local roofing company and ask them to tarp it..may take a few tries but someone will help you. If I live close I would. Try roofers contractors. Tell them if they help u now you give a good review online and give them the job when you can do it

My bedroom ceiling leaks super badly if there is a storm. I'm only 15 years old and my household does not have a lot of money. We can barely pay the bills. I have to keep buckets everywhere in my room. Luckily it doesn't drip on my bed. My parents are well aware of this problem yet can't do anything. Last really bad storm completely filled. The bucket was medium sized. When the leak is bad it gets near my tv wires.This makes me super nervous. I know that the roof is the problem but I want to know if there is any way to fix it from MY room. Low cost please. I only currently have $4.