> My neighbor is parking on my parking pad!?

My neighbor is parking on my parking pad!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
How utterly rude! Is there anything I can do if my neighbor encroaches on my parking pad?

My neighbor is parking on my parking pad!?

How utterly rude! Is there anything I can do if my neighbor encroaches on my parking pad?

Have it towed

When he has to pay to get it back, he will think before using your pad again

Tell the landlord or the police.


Leave a note on the car telling them the pad is yours. If they keep parking there, tell the landlord.

take a picture with the plate and show it to your landlord. If you own the property , have it towed to the impound lot.

That's not very helpful, Rob. In general...does someone else have the use of your property?

learn local laws for actual info

How utterly rude! Is there anything I can do if my neighbor encroaches on my parking pad?