> My room is always so hot! Help!?

My room is always so hot! Help!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Your problem is that the air ducks in your house AC system need to be adjusted. Or the air ducks were not installed correctly.

Not to get too tech for you. ,,,But google "how to balance AC vents in house" .

You need to understand that your problem is that the air con system in your house is not working properly.

So google the above anf TRY to understand it so you can shame your parents into doing something about it.

Also , you maybe able to do somethings yourself to make it work better for you.

Just dont tell anyone.

Like going to all the other rooms and closing their air vents a little bit.

That will force more air into the air vent in YOUR room.

Also , if you keep your door closed , that too will likely make your room hotter because the air cannot circulate back to house.

Do you have a " return vent " in your room ? if you google the above . You will learn what a return vent is and why you need one.

If you do have a return vent , say on the floor or wall. Is it covered or blocked by a rug or furniture ?

Also , tonight , right now ! Try something..

With your bedroom door open at least a few inches so air can come into your room from the house.

Take one of your fans, ( i hope you have one of those square box fans ) . Open your window . Then

Put the fan in the window on high speed. Face the fan so it blows air OUT of the window not into your room.

This will blow air out of your room and draw cooler INTO your room from the house through the open door and into your room.

If that cools off your room, then you know that the AC vents are not working properly.

Go try it right now !

I would suggest calling a company like www.imagehomeimprovement.com to see if they can't help you out. I live in Arizona, which is hands down the hottest state in the country and I couldn't LIVE without sleeping comfortable... YUCK, and good luck!

Firstly you need a AC. Other then this i will suggest you to open the windows of your room so that fresh air could come in your room as well. As i read that you are tense from sunlight as well. In this case you should purchase such type of curtains which allow less sunlight in your room and along with this you can open your window as well In this way fresh air will come in with less/or no sunlight. I know a very good online curtain site http://www.theblindspot.biz/ they are providing variety of blinds/curtains to their customers.

If you have a freezer, buy a couple of cool packs (the kind you use in cool boxes). Wrap them in a t towel or t shirt and cuddle one and put the other between your knees or under the base of your spine if you sleep on your back. This will cool you down enough to be able to sleep.

i think u need a ac

deploy it and enjoy summer

stand in front of the refrigerator or go to a lake and swim. hope it helps

do what mark t said. go buy a window unit.

Ok so my room is the hottest room in the entire house I'm not aloud to touch the thermostat. I sleep with 3 fans on high pointed directly at me. I have blinds and curtains covering the windows so no sunlight gets in. I'm tired of having to sleep covered in sweat! What else can I do?