> Need help with wasps?

Need help with wasps?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
we all know that to make wasps leave a person would have an exterminator smoke them out. So someone must be using an insecticide, and a strong one at that. I don't know the habits of wasps, like do they polinate crops too? Crops by Monsanto have bug insecticide in them, and they're now pretty much throughout the USA. The county has what they call an "extension service" so give them a call and ask what's going on in your area or if others are having the same problem you are. It could also be mosquito spray that has occurred recently since some places are expecting a bad mosquito season. Or it could be something that's being sprayed on the fires CA had if that stuff could be heading your way. There are bugs around that are in larvae form and are eating the bees out from the inside too, also ruining crops.. These things are bring brought from china and other places overseas. Take one of your dead wasps to your extension service to have it examined.

Since Bees and Wasps are a simialr species, your wasps havent died off in the past and the same thing is happening with bees they are probably dying from the same thing as bees. Unfortonatley even the best scientists have a problem figuring it out

I have been a wasp keeper for some time now, and recently my wasps have been dying off? I thought this phenomenon was only occurring with bees? are the two occurrences related? What can I do to help my wasps? Please help.