> Need some HELP with living situation!?

Need some HELP with living situation!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Start looking for another place.

I believe you can report the condition per the animals anonymously, so the landlady won't know it's you. Don't know hwere you are, but most places have limits on the number of cats & dogs. (In my city, it's 4 in any combination, so if she has four dogs AND cats, it's too many). The law is basically used only when there's a problem - a way to go in an take care of a situation that's getting out of control, like yours is. I would not clean up the poop after you call so that it's present when they come by. Poop in the house is certainly not up to "code".

You can look for another room to rent or an apartment in an old complex or a garage apartment.

The people can do what they want to in their own home. There's not anything you can do. If you report it, they will tell you to leave and you will really be in a pickle.

First things first, my boyfriend and I used to rent an apartment, but lost it due to drug addiction and a bad coincidence of events (long story), we were not evicted but certainly ended up not on any good terms with the property management company (they have a reputation for screwing people over btw), and due to my medical bills my credit score is pretty low. Since then (over a year ago now) we have came a long way and got clean, but until I got a better job, which happened just recently, we could not get anything better than a room in someone's house, and until now it was more or less tolerable. I should mention that I am temporarily separated from my bf now so any place that I get i must be able to afford on a waitress salary. Now, the problem is, I liked the room I was staying in, even though it is tiny, but I hate the rest of the house. The owner (and her mom too) seem to have some huge mental problems. The chick has three cats, a rabbit, a rat, and fish, and now she has FOUR dogs, because her mom decided to conveniently drop off a couple more since their barking disturbs the neighbors over at her apt. But hey, what about me? What is worse than barking though is that they seem to never walk the dogs, so they **** inside the house, and then I am the one cleaning it up. When the dogs do go outside, they **** right on the front porch and of course I cant even clean it up till it gets warmer outside. The house smells like an ape cage, those freaking cats walk on the counters and try to steal my food right off the plate, because they are always hungry and crazy as well (I am serious, this one cat would spend hours trying to open the door in my room, God only knows why). I am a slob myself, but I never saw anything like that in my life, even my junkie friend's place is cleaner. I need to find a new place asap, because these conditions are driving me to relapse, I already started to smoke like a chimney. So my questions are: how can I secure my own apartme