> Noise problems from flat above?

Noise problems from flat above?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
This is the problem with flats, everything from sneezing to walking across the floor can be heard, and it's not always the neighbours fault. It's just how the flats were designed. All you can keep doing is reporting it and keep a record of what is happening, at what time it's happening and for how long it happened and then present it to your estate agent/landlord. Maybe, gong around there and having a friendly word with the Chinese people might help after all they may not understand the letters they received with being Chinese so are unaware of how their noise is affecting you. It's not nice but if it keeps persisting maybe you could consider moving, although you shouldn't have to.

get a broom a beat the ceiling if it does start up again. but im pretty sure them being chinese they are probably really embarrassed that they received the letters. if they keep up the quiet you should bring them a homebaked dessert and thank them and that should also instil in them that they should continue.

We moved into a rented flat in February. Last week some new people moved in above us (an older Chinese couple and their 17 year old daughter).

Now I can hear every time they walk as the walls seem to be so thin, it's very frustrating as I am a light sleeper (and being 7 months pregnant doesn't help!). I know it sounds over the top but we've been used to the place being silent and now we hear talking/walking and sometimes stamping. It's very frustrating.

I posted a note to them asking them to be more quiet and so did the estates office, so they've also received a formal letter. I'm just worried that in a few weeks they'll forget and it'll start over again.

Can anyone else advise anything? (Apart from moving, which we can only do from December as we are committed to the tenancy until then).