The most likely reason I can think of for this is over-tiredness. I suggest this because of the time stated: often when in early hours of the morning without sleep, your brain conjures insane thoughts and causes such situations as this - as you also went out shopping that day, I believe this could be true in your case.
However, I understand that you do not want to upset your mother, so perhaps slowly introduce the new furnishings slowly: place one object down and get used to it, then place another and so on so forth.
I hope this helps
You are not alone. Lots of people do not like their personal spaces moved around. She was doing it for you as a treat and did not realise that you would not like it. Maybe explain to her that it makes your head hurt because you cannot get used to it and that your room is your peaceful haven. Tell her that you would rather have the money to buy stuff when you need it. Tell her that she could use the stuff in other rooms. Thank her for it and be very calm and polite.
Tell her the items made you uncomfortable for some reason, and really want your old things back. Ask her if its OK to take back these things and let your mom get her money back.
Ok so yesterday me and my mom went shopping and bought all kinds if stuff for my room like a rug chinease laterns a vase with flowers new pillow with New York on it I even rearrange some of my room around well last night i was going to bed and I didn't even recognize it I mean it was soo different I had a nervousev break down and took everything down and put it all away at like two in the morning and rearranged my room back well she haven't woken up yet and also I rolled up the new rug I got because it smells like mildew for some reason and I cant stand it what's she gonna say whe she finds out she wasted all that money is this normal like do you ever change your room and not feel the same and change it back?