> Please help!?

Please help!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Usually the price won't be brought down a full $20,000 as that's part of the agents commission as well. You can try and wait for the house to be on the market so they have no choice but to consider $400,000 but that isn't too likely to happen. Good luck!!

my dad found a really nice house with a really nice yard! he said he would get a dog if we had a yard. and I really want another dog (I have 2 yappy annoying Chihuahuas) and I would really like to get a lab from the pound or shelter. even my mom said I could get a lab witch surprised me! shes usaualy not like this so this is my only chance to get my dream dog! anyway my question is that my dad found a nice house but its 15,000 dollars over budget and we only can spend 400,000!

can you give me some tips on how to make the woman who is selling the house let us buy it for 400,000? and it was 420,000 but my dad brought it to 415,000 he needs it at 400,000!!!!!!!!!!!!

also should I get a lab because the house has a huge backyard and I don't know which kinda dog to get. they have to be hyperallergenic because my mom has allergys!!!