> Possible mercury thermometer broke in washing machine?

Possible mercury thermometer broke in washing machine?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Fans are useless because it's not a gas. The Mercury inside the thermometer is a heavy metal, you want to avoid contact with your skin as your body has trouble getting rid of it and as a result it can damage your brain.

It could either have thinned it's self out all over your clothes or it's still in the washing machine.

You are supposed to call poison control, they will tape off your house, remove the washing machine and the clothes you washed with it.They will have to be specially cleaned and the clothes will most likely be incinerated. The trouble with Mercury is people are to afraid of it, I actually handle an ounce of it in my hand a long time ago and got a slight rash, nothing more. But enough of it can really do damage so they treat it like a biological weapon, they really go overboard with it.

What I would do is search for the metal in the washing machine, if your lucky it may have gotten sucked out during the first rinse cycle, but without really knowing... do you want to risk using your washing machine.

Get rid of the clothes, do not donate them, trash them. You may not want to burn them, Mercury gas could be inhaled and you'll get tumors in your lungs.

It makes me laugh regarding the poison element of mercury, the amount inside a thermometer is negligible and because it is fluid, but also heavy, it will have fallen to the lowest point in your machine. Once it eventually reaches the water pump, it will be broken up into small globules that will rinse out with the water.

In my school and working life, we used to play with mercury on the Lab benches in fairly large quantities, and after almost 70 years, my brain has not been muddled!!

Mercury in such small quantities would have to be ingested to cause any problem, so don't worry. (I am sure some H&S nut will toe the non inhalation aspect, but no problem with such a low or even non existent spillage)

The only harm you may have caused is a little harm to the environment. There are no health concerns for you because it wasn't inhaled or ingested. And over the years people have handled mercury with no harm to themselves. Even I've played with it. Though I wouldn't recommend that, there's not any danger. So shut off the fans and just continue with daily routine like nothing happened. Just be sure to safely dispose of the broken glass in the pocket.

Hope this helps.


possible mercury thermometer broke in washing machine?I know this sounds stupid. I didn't check the pockets of the laundry I was putting in and somehow an old thermometer was in a pocket. It broke in the washer and I didn't notice it until it was in the dryer. What do I do? I'm freaking out. I've checkes online and some people say not to worry but some places are making it seem like this could be terrible. Please help me I'm so scared. Please don't tell me I'm stupid. I already know I am. I don't actually know if it was a mercury thermometer or not. It had a silver base, the fluid was clear and was from at least 1990 I've got two fans on to ventilate the area and took the clothes outside. I've got cats will they be okay?