> Rabid looking groundhog near house?

Rabid looking groundhog near house?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
The groundhog is most likely just being territorial because it has "pups" of its own and wants you and your puppy to stay clear.

They are passive animals but will try to defend their young, which are often sought out by foxes and coyotes.

If it is burrowing, eating normally, etc., it is highly unlikely that it is rabid. Groundhogs are not nocturnal, so it is normal for it to be out/busy in the daytime.

Although animals can carry rabies for quite awhile without showing symptoms, a rabid animal that "acts out" is a very sick and dying animal and will behave in very strange ways. Any of these behaviors may be seen:

-Being extremely aggressive and furiously attacking anything that moves

-Stumbling and wandering in a disoriented manner

-Vocalizing in odd ways, such as whining or screaming

-Moving as if hind legs are paralyzed

-Choking or frothing at the mouth

Although it is unlikely that your neighborhood groundhog is rabid, it is important to protect your puppy. Make sure his vaccinations are up-to-date. Enroll in obedience classes and keep him on a leash at least until he is VERY well trained to come when called. They make portable puppy pens that could be a good option for some safe outdoor time if he is very little.

If the groundhog is nursing babies, killing it would be cruel because the babies would slowly starve. Poison also runs the risk of harming your puppy or other neighborhood pets if they eat the bait or come in contact with an animal that has been poisoned; it isn't worth the risk.

Try just steering clear and see if it will do the same. If it begins to approach you or your puppy, call Animal Control or your local Game & Fish Commission office for help.

You don't want to mess with any animal who may be rabid so take action. Call your city or county government office and find out if there is a department that handles such matters, such as "Animal Control".

In the meantime, pull those weeds so that the groundhog will be more visible when he surfaces. That will make him easier to avoid. Even if you're renting, you can put one of those temporary fences up. If your dog hasn't had a rabies vaccine, now would be a good time to get one.

I'd have a talk with your landlord. It's their responsibly and if they won't do anything call the city's pest control. I attached an article that sounds promising. Good luck with this!



I have a new puppy and live in a house I'm renting. Since I'm renting I don't think I can put a fence up. There's a big groundhog, twice the size of my sweet puppy. And he has very easy access to my yard (view pic). I'm in New York State so ground hogs are prone to rabies here.

I am always outside with puppy but just 40 minutes ago he gave my puppy a rabid look. He looks aggressive. His burrow is under neighbors house but Im confident the neighbors don't even know his burrow is there. I am new to neighborhood by the way and I haven't spoken to them yet. Anyways, that rabid aggressive look got me Very angry now and I want to kill it.

I do not have a gun. How can I kill it without being infected with rabies? He left his burrow