Remove what they are eating. If it's pet food, take it inside during the night. If it's bugs, spray under the trailer. Rags soaked in vinegar and placed under the trailer will make them go away. They should be left within reach in case they smell inside the trailer. If you use moth balls, I suggest you put them in an old sock with a string on it in case the smell comes inside and you can pull it out. Their smell lingers on for a long time. They are toxic.
I have heard it sounds horrible when they mate under a house and you don't want that.
Moth flakes/balls sprinkled under the trailer will keep them away.
I live in a trailer. I have had raccoons under this place for months now. They return at night and I can hear them right next to the walls and flooring moving around, eating things, fighting. I usually stomp around and they scatter, until it's quiet again, this goes on all night sometimes until the sun comes up. I can't take it anymore. I have tried several things to get rid of them, humainly (can't spell it) over the months but nothing works for long. I know they have to be making a horrid mess under the trailer. I cannot fix the skirting around the place myself, and putting up things around the skirting has NOT kept them away. I have a landlord, but the thing is is that he will trap them and kill them. shoot them or drown them or let their dogs have them (I heard he does this to stray cats and squirrels). I don't want this to happen to the raccoons. If I can an animal control place, how much will it cost and will my landlord find out? What are my options here? Thanks.