> Recent roach problem, why?

Recent roach problem, why?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
If Y'all are in Htown-they are bigger this year than they have been in about10 years.

BTW those pest control places actually feed the buggers. Now that they know where you put the boric acid they can go around it.

Try using Diatomateous earth in powder form. It can be had at livestock feed stores but that does contain pesticides.

You can order the plain stuff from Amazon and it is completely safe for pets and humans. I've been sprinkling it in my dry dishwasher also as some cockroaches come in through the plumbing.

The foggers that are for Fleas and ticks work best for my home.

if someone next to you had roaches and sprayed, they will move to another place. try a couple insect foggers.

turn off any sources of flame in your unit. set the foggers off and leave for a couple hours.

You will get results by using plain corn meal. Put 1/2 tsp in each corner of all cabinets and each corner of drawers.

complicated task do a search on to yahoo this will help

I live in a major city in Texas. I've lived in the same condo for years and my grandma owns the place, so she has never mentioned roaches. I pride myself on being a neat freak and try to vacuum up any crumbs and clean and food up that the kids spill in the dining room, etc. We pay monthly dues and the management company has a professional co. spray for bugs, etc once or twice a year I believe. Last night, my husband woke up screaming because a huge, nasty roach was crawling all over him. Lately, we have begun to find the roaches dead in the den or dining room. We have roach spray and we have put boric acid out, which obviously isn't working. My neighbor who has issues, recently had a transient type family friend move back in with her (he is off and on there). I have noticed the roaches since he has returned to living in her unit, which is across the walkway from me. What could be causing these big roaches to come in? Should we just have an exterminator come out?