> Room color scheme?

Room color scheme?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
First off, paint isn't going to lessen the value of a house, but certain colors will make it a little tougher to sell to certain people, but it is only paint, and can be painted over. One of those colors would be black, and it is very hard to paint over. You could choose a neutral such as taupe, which you can choose from a variety of tones, light to dark, which will look much nicer anyway. or gray, another neutral which isn't likely to turn home buyers off and looks rich. Paint the ceiling a shade darker than the color of your other walls, which I'm not sure what they will be. Choose a shade from the same color card of the wall color you choose, they are meant to go together. If you insist on a black wall, do something removable like a fabric wall. Get inexpensive sheets or fabric and staple it to a thin strip of wood and tack to the wall up by the ceiling at each end and in the center. It would be better if you did the same at the bottom to keep it in place. Or buy inexpensive black poster board at the Dollar Store, tape several together to cover a large area of your wall, and use push pins to hold in place. You could also use black in a different area of your room, curtains, (and you can expand the look of your window beyond the actual window size) bedding, area rug, etc., which all goes with you, or at least is easily changed, instead of black on your walls. Black is pretty harsh and tends to get depressing when over used, so you might want to start out using it sparingly at first, it's really best used as an accent for drama.

I am a Decorator, but this is down to your own taste. I did a job for a friend. The Ceiling I Rag Wooled in black. The walls painted in black emulsion and Rag Wooled in white. White wood work ragged in silver. . Ragging ?. Well you get a piece of Rag, scruff it up and put some bands round it, the bigger the rag the bigger the print. You do not have to use white, you can use or mix colours. Then you put a small amount of paint into a tray and dip the rag in and push it onto your surfaces. When you want to change, just paint over the top. Like were you are coming from, very good luck.

difficult aspect do a search using yahoo that will help

Ok, I'm 13 and I want a darker, cooler room (color wise). It is currently light green with white trim on the celing and white doors, celing fan, baseboards, outlets, and light switches. I need to keep the house's neutral paint color in mind to keep the value up, but I want a black accent wall with blackboard paint. So, 1. Would gray walls look good, and what shade? 2. What color should the ceiling be? 3. How can I make a black wall that can be removed or painted over with a light color?