> Serious ant problem! HELP?

Serious ant problem! HELP?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Terro. Terro has sugar in it and the ants will go for it like they did the cookie. They eat it and take it to their nest wherever it is. It comes in liquid form, gel and bait stations and there's some for outside.

It can be found in grocery stores and where ants killers are sold and hardware stores. It does not cost very much. It will take time for the little ants to do the work for you. They carry the bait to the nest and feed the queen, that lays the eggs.

You may indeed need to call a professional, but there is an option you can try first. Like you, I've had trouble with ants getting all over everything. Someone here posted a recipe for ant baits that I've found to be very effective. Here it is:

1/4 sugar

2 tablespoons Borax

3/4 cups hot water

Stir everything together until the Borax and sugar dissolve. Dip pieces of bread crust in the solution and place them where you see the ants. The little darlings will chow down and share it with their nest mates. You may need to leave the baits for a couple of weeks to make sure you get all of the stragglers, but you should start seeing fewer ants within a couple of hours.

Good luck!

Call a professional company like Terminex. It sounds like they be in the soil under your house and now they're in the walls. Terminex isn't cheap, but they will get rid of the ants. We live in a connected townhouse building, and some people moved in next door who were filthy. They had rivers of roaches and bedbugs that got in our walls. We had to throw away our mattress, some of our clothes, and we had to unload and scrub all of the closets on the side of the house that was next to theirs. It took four sprayings, but we finally got rid if the bedbugs. The people got evicted, because the neighbors on both sides of them were infested. A professional company can find the source of the infestation for you.

There are ants coming out of everywhere! Im not sure what type of ants they are but they only seem to go after things with sugar. We can't leave anything at all out that has sugar in it without it being infested with ants in just a couple of hours. I live in a 2 story house and when they are upstairs they seem to come out of cracks and even from the carpet!? I left my purse downstairs on the table, next morning it was infested with ants all because I had left a little cookie wrapper in it, with tiny bits of crumbs in it. We spoke to the landlord and he told us to buy something to get rid of them and he will deduct it from the rent. What can we get? or should we just get a proffesional? They are everywhere outside and seem to go everywhere inside , upstairs and downstairs I have no idea how they are getting inside. HELP