> Should I buy a bedroom set?

Should I buy a bedroom set?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I say yes. You don't know what 10-15 yrs from now will bring. At least you have a nice set that can last forever. Pick something plain and clean cut. Never goes out of style.

Depends on where you'll be living. Smaller rental? It may pay to wait until your more settled to buy a high ticket item like this. Don't want to buy something that fits in temporary housing, if it might not work well down the road when your house hunting.

Good idea in the long run, but maybe just not now.

we all have our priorities. What your dad thinks is a priority, isn't necessarily yours. Personally, I would rather sleep on a mattress on the floor, and have money for things that MATTER to me.. The bed doesn't matter to you, it seems.. so what does? Weekend getaways? Nice living room furniture? A pet parrot? :-)

Don't be swayed by other people's ideas! You don't need a nice set of bedroom furniture that no one but you and hubby will ever see. Get a gift you will appreciate

i agree with your dad. go for it!!

by the way congratulations for your wedding.

Just wanted to get some opinions. My family thinks we should buy a solid wood bedroom set that will last for years to come. (Getting married soon). Only thing is a lot of them are over $2,000. We would obviously like this and are receiving several thousand from family for a wedding gift but am not sure of the investment. Is this a good idea? Just could think of other things we could save for. But like my dad says we will only buy it once. Opinions greatly appreciated, thank you.