> Should I kill these bees?

Should I kill these bees?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Bees tend to be fuzzier than wasps and hornets, and both William & John M are right to recommend calling an apiarist. If you live in the United States, Bee Culture magazine has an excellent list of beekeepers by state: http://www.beeculture.com/content/whoswh...

NOOOOO! There are so few bees left. Get a bird bath and put sugar water in it away from the pool. The bees want the water to cool the hive. The sugar water should draw them away hopefully.

a hive?

call a local apiarist

excellent chance theyll remove them for free

Call a beekeeper in your area. Sometimes they remove them free, other times for a charge. Ask around, maybe city hall, the police dept., or look up beekeepers in your area. We had bees in a wall, and the beekeeper removed them for about the same price as a pest control guy would have charged.

Don't attempt to kill them yourself. The liability you create for yourself doesn't make sense if a little kid got attacked later in the day, even if it wasn't directly related to your earlier killing some of the bees (the lawyer will claim it was your fault). Inform the pool owners and police of the problem and ask what you should do. Hopefully, they will pay a professional to take care of the problem.

I work at an outdoor pool where there are a lot of young children around all of the time. I think they might be honey bees so I don't really want to kill them, but they're becoming slightly agressive and I don't want anyone to get hurt. Should I just kill them?