> Should I remove this box thing from my entryway?

Should I remove this box thing from my entryway?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
The spindles yes you can.. BUT w/o more info or being there to see it , can t be sure if thats load bearing or not. And if it is to be able to tell where the support studs are.. It can be opened at the studs and the opening redrywalled, but thats all we can say on this end..Those spindles are not for load bearing but there could be a header and support studs on either side.. GL

The spacing and thickness of them leads me to believe they could very well be load-bearing, which means you cannot just remove them.

No way to be sure from the picture, but don't remove them without having it checked out first.

I don't know if this is the right section or if anyone can even help me from a picture but here goes.

Is there any reason I can't remove this hideous box thing? I just want to remove the spindles. Is that something I should? Or is this keeping my attic up?