> Should I switch rooms? Tell me your opinion!?

Should I switch rooms? Tell me your opinion!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
You kind of got the raw end of the deal being stuck in the common room. Either move back upstairs and suck it up about the bathroom because you'd have your own private room or do what you should have done in the first place and stick 2 beds in the bedroom downstairs and share the hangout room and bathroom.

Ok so last summer my brother went to college so my twin sister and I moved to the basement. The basement has 1 bedroom a hang out room and a bathroom. I like being in the basement because we are separated from our parents and have our own bathroom, but I hate it because I have no privacy and no space. My sister has the bigger room and I'm stuck in the hang out space which is not a real bedroom with no closet. I've tried to make it work this past year, but I'm sure how much longer i can last in the dysfunctional space. My family is always walking through my room because it connects to the bathroom where the laundry is located. I want to move back upstairs to my old room, but my sister would stay downstairs. We are very close and it would feel wierd to have her a whole floor away from everyone. Also, I would be sharing a bathroom with my mom and dad, which isn't the end of the world, but it was nice having my own bathroom. What do you think I should do? Both areas I love, but I'm just not sure which is the better deal! I'm allowed to switch or stay, so there is no conflict there. It's only a matter of if I want to or not!