> Should I use help to buy?

Should I use help to buy?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
You didn't say what country you're in, so I can't guess exactly what you mean by "help to buy", and what terms that help comes with.

A larger down payment is always better.

No one can possibly say what will happen to house prices in the next 10 years.

Yes get help to buy. A realtor can help you get a better deal and the seller pays them anyway so its free you you.

im a builder uk ..buying today will be cheaper than tomorrow ...and i would stake my life negative eqity will not happen again in next ten years ...the demand is greater than supply ...get in now

I'm a first time buyer looking at buying using help to buy. I'm on a good wage (40k) and can save up to 1k a month if I move in with my parents but currently only have 7k in savings.

I am just after un-biased advice. Should I continue to save and get a 90% LTV with 10-15K deposit or use help to buy.One downside of waiting is that I can get a much bigger house now with help to buy.

Is this a risky move? I'm worried that I'll be buying a new build with a premium and then when help to buy stops, house prices with reduce and leave me in negative equity and difficulty selling. I can't guarantee I won't want to sell in 5 - 10 yrs as circumstances can change. I like the idea of getting a new build (looking at 150-170K purchase price) but is this a bad move?

Could I get help to buy and remortage after 5 yrs to pay off government loan and therefore avoid that extra interest.

So basically wait (probably less that a yr) and get a house with 90% LTV or get help to buy with 75% LTV. Theoretically, if I was to purchase the same house either way, which way would be cheaper in the long rung based on interest rates, changes in house prices etc.?

Thanks for any advice.