> Some one just broke into my house!?

Some one just broke into my house!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Use your gun. Or call to your brothers. Sorry so poor answer.

Nice story....

text or call someone else in your house until they wake up and tell them what happened but don't like make them get up probly. that is so freaking weird. nothing looked missing? they're probably gone but you can't know for sure. the only thing to do is to call the cops but you may not want to involve them in such a simple matter but if you Do then they will know that there is someone potentially trying to rob various houses..

You should have called the police they would have used forensic evidance at the scene of the crime and look for fingetprints and signs of forcible entry. If the burglars were known criminals their fingerptints would have been on record and they would have been cought. Its important to leave your home secure at night and when you are out. If you hadnt disturbed them they would have taken items of value. They were probably drug addicts looking to steal items to see them fir their next drug fix.

hobble over there and lay into them with the shooter

One hour ago I head a lowd slam in the kitchen right next to my bedroom and heard something fall I couldnt tell I was listening to music and amidiently stopped and paused for a few minutes to get enough corrage to leave my room I used the phone for light and grabbed a baseball bat I walked out nervously saw that the window curtains were wide open to the back yard and the slide door was wide open I looked in the kitchen and the cupords where open a medal cup was on the ground with others I searched the house a bit more people where still asleep so I nervously walked back and shut the slide door I locked my door and basicly barricaded my room shut staring at the door with the base ball bat im so paranoid what do i do