> Squirrel killing?

Squirrel killing?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Farm supply stores have poison that works pretty well on squirrels. You can put it inside of a PVC pipe to protect pets from it.

If you have that many tree rats, they probably aren't big enough to bother with unless you're starving. Warfarin (rat bait) works well if you get the blocks, drill a hole in them and nail them to something so they can't be carried off and buried. The squirrels (AKA tree rats) just gradually disappear.

i think im going to try eating them.....theres so many..And meat is expensive....i'll invite my neighbors over for bbq

You got trees with cones or nuts? That is their food source. Cut all the trees down. Not many squirrels out in a wheat farm, don't cha know? Having slightly underfed outdoor cats or terrier type dogs also keep squirrels at bay as to the cat, it is just a furry mouse. Dog sees it the same way too. A quick bite between meals.

. Squirrels do not care about dead bodies. Crows find them and eat them.

. Just be glad they are not the size of moose.

Sorry Sammy, but it very well be against the law to trap and relocate them. It is in many areas. I doubt that the best way to solve a rodent problem is to move. I would not use poison, it is too likely to be transfered to other animals. Eating them is a good idea, guess what, they do taste like chicken. I think that I would live trap them and dispatch them with a pellet rifle and light the bbq.

The best way to solve this problem is to move. Most cities have laws against killing wildlife.

Hanging them up for other squirrels to see won't do a thing, except make your neighbors unhappy and cause them to call the cops about the smell.

If you really want them gone, then live trap them and release them in the country somewhere. Or the outside of town. Then, no laws are being broke, the squirrels are gone, and the neighbors don't hate you.

remove the food source

I need a way to kill squirrels, I want these little rodents dead and want to hang them up for other squirrels to see, these destructive little rodents need to go....I have 200 of them in my yard...