> Starting seeds indoors...should i worry?

Starting seeds indoors...should i worry?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Give it a little longer. I planted tomato seeds 12 days ago and they appeared 2 days ago. Seeds have different germination times and some take longer than others. I have no heated pad. I put the seed tray inside a plastic bag and seal it so it's like a mini greenhouse, then place it indoors on a warm South west facing window ledge where it gets afternoon sun. Once the seeds germinate remove the plastic bag as you don't want too much moisture or the seedlings will dampen off.

The germination of seeds differ by type. The seed packets have this time listed on the back of the package. Starting seeds indoors is always a good idea. It only takes moisture and a fair (above 65 degrees) temperature. Just a week is not enough time for most seed types. Once they pop their heads up they will start to look for some sun. Any south facing window will do just fine.

You don't need to "keep them warm" as long as the temperature indoors gets above 60 degrees for at least part of the day, they will germinate and once they are up and growing, they will be fine as long as the temperature doesn't get really cold at night. I always start mine off in small containers on the kitchen window cill which faces southeast so that they get some morning sunshine.

it's going to take more than a week. as long as you keep the temp around 70 or above your okay. during the day put the seed pots where they can get some sun.

So i started growing some seeds indoors so they'll be ready when it gets warm, but i didn't know i needed to keep them warm i have no heating pad or anything and it's been about a week and nothing has sprouted at all, should i panic and buy a containter that has a heating pad or should i just wait a little longer? I really want a successful garden this year. and the seeds i have are, Watermelon, cucumbers, peppers, honeydew, and tomatoes.