I think Saturday Night Live called that the Pepsi Syndrome years ago. Got renters insurance?
Next time try to Contact http://www.tekdry.com/. They fixed my boss' iphone 5 twice after falling in a lake and going through the laundry. Their process works in 30 minutes and they only charge if you laptop is back to normal. If you're not near their store they will overnight deliver it back and forth.
Don't turn it on until you are absolutely positive it is dry or you'll start shorting things out and advancing corrosion. Also, DON'T USE RICE. You'll get rice particles/dust into the ports creating more issues and rice doesn't do anything to significantly affect drying time. Speed counts and TekDry is the fastest option out there and they don't have to take your device apart.
Next time you get electronics a "little damp" take the battery out first, then dry it. Overnight in a bag of rice is good. Don't try to turn it on until it is dry. You can try to dry it, you can soak it in alcohol to take out the water, but there is a really good chance your tablet is history.
yeah you're screwed
Glass of water spilt wont charge nothing please help