> Tar flooring sealant? Help?!?

Tar flooring sealant? Help?!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
you are not allowed to use a flat roof as a veranda ..unless you put a handrail all way round ..get it passed by building control ..and possibly planning

I don't think there is a sealant. Try poly with outdoor carpet on top.

Me and my friends often climb out my bedroom onto the roof of my kitchen, which was designed for another building to be built above it, so is safe to hold our weight, we have decided to put furniture out there but it has a tar type flooring and i've been told it could met and stick tour shoes, clothes, furniture etc if it gets hot, apparently there is some sort of paint that you paint down onto it which stops this from happening so we can be out there without it melting but i don't know the name can some please help me with the name