If you can't find it, it may be hiding in a nook or cranny in your room or gone off exploring around the house. If you're scared, sleep with someone else in the same room. Spray yourself and your room with bug repellent and light citronella candles for a short period of time (make sure to extinguish before bed). Clean your room. Take out the garbage, vaccuum, change the sheets and don't bring food to your room. You might find the bug in the process and it will prevent more bugs from being attracted in your room. Keep the windows closed and light to a minimum.
I'm not leaving love, bug
I'm TERRIFIED of insects. There was a black bug, sort of looked like a stink bug, and it was on the side of my bed. I flung it off and it crawled away and I lost where it went O-O, and I can't sleep. Do you think it would be gone :(