> Tight Ring Nut of Meat Grinder?

Tight Ring Nut of Meat Grinder?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Tight Ring Nut of Meat Grinder?

I have a Weston meat grinder and I can't loosen the ring nut. I didn't tighten it too hard...but no matter how hard I try, I don't seem to get the part loose. I put it in hot water with detergent, but to little avail. Hammered it a bit, but didn't work... I am at a loss at this point. Does anyone have a good idea to solve this issue? Thank you.

Maybe that nut is REVERSED threaded. Normally, righty tighty, lefty loosey. But with your nut, it might be righty loosey, lefty tighty.

Look closely at the threads, will tell you if it's normal threads, and which way to loosen it... Use a pair of pliers on the Wing Nut.

Nuts on blades typically spin backwards to regular nuts. Are you turning counter-clockwise?, cuz that is the direction you need to be going.

I have a Weston meat grinder and I can't loosen the ring nut. I didn't tighten it too hard...but no matter how hard I try, I don't seem to get the part loose. I put it in hot water with detergent, but to little avail. Hammered it a bit, but didn't work... I am at a loss at this point. Does anyone have a good idea to solve this issue? Thank you.