I had them breeding in the overflow cavity of my bathroom sink. I managed to spray enough bathroom cleaner through the overflow opening to clean out years of gunk which eliminated their breeding grounds. Some flying insect spray did in the rest.
Some info on the difference between fruit and fungus flies:
There are tiny flies that arises from the fungus or the sinks and from the garbage.These flies are very irritating.To get rid from these flies you should keep your home clean and throw the garbage out from your house,don't store the water in any area of the home.Don't keep the wet garbage and keep eatable things open.
If you notice them mostly around sinks and the garbage, they are most likely fruit flies. You get rid of them by taking your trash out every day and making sure no dirty dishes are left in the sink, and that the sink is thoroughly cleaned every day. They feed on rotting organic matter (fruits and vegetables are most attractive). They die within a few days so as long as you keep everything clean they will die off and be gone.
Gnats look like tiny mosquitoes to me.
They lay eggs in plant soil, old potatoes, onions, drains, forgotten soda cans, mops, in moist places and they can come through screens and around them and through vents.
The eggs are the source of the gnats. Boiling water down drains will kill them there. Dish water with a drop of vinegar in it will attract them and drown them.
Place a small cup of cider vinegar where they hang out. They'll dive in.
They are called Fruit flies they like fruit. or anything sweet.
P.s. we have plants in and outside of the house.
there are little tiny flies in my house... About the height of one millimeter.. They're so annoying !! I see them only in the kitchen, living room, and bathrooms. Anybody know what they are and how to get rid of them ??
thanks :)