> Trying to make a nursery into my bedroom?

Trying to make a nursery into my bedroom?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Think about adding white.It works with the green and is a very grown up look.Look for bedding with tree branches:http://www.overstock.com/Bedding-Bath/Fl... http://www.overstock.com/Bedding-Bath/Ci...

You can get a simple large vase and put branches in the vase.Or hang real[ you can paint them if you like ] branches on your walls.

Just one wall will be enough.https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/i...

Add baskets to give your room a natural feel.


I'm temporarily staying in my aunt and uncles house while I go to school. They are movie me into my little cousins nursery and he is moving into his older brothers room. I'm not allowed to paint the walls because it took my aunt 9 hours to paint this AMAZING mural on his wall and she said she loves it and wants to keep it there forever. Anyways, the walls are green and the mural is a big tree with owls on the branches. I was thinking I could make it kind of vintage-y with the owls and green and stuff I don't know. I just need help trying to make it not so baby-ish. Sorry for the length and btw I am 15.