> Using exterior paint inside?

Using exterior paint inside?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I think the main reason is because of various additives from mildewcide to insecticide that could be present in the paint and will off gas into the rooms where it is used. Obviously this isn't a problem outside. The thing i would suggest is to find the web site for that particular paint and locate the MSDS ( material safety data sheet ). It will have everything about the paint on it and I believe by law they are required to provide this information. Once you obtain that information you should have no doubts about whether it is safe to have inside your home.

exterior and murals ... farm scenes, painted by their ... Albert Fleury , inside. ... Purcell used some of these design features in the Edna S. .

While painting a room in my house I decided to also paint the wood-stained trim white. I had a large amount of exterior white paint left over from another project and decided to use it because it covered the wood well and had primer mixed in.Now I'm reading articles online saying you should never use outdoor paint indoors, but I'm not sure why. Did I make a big mistake? The can of paint simply said "ideal for exterior applications," but didn't warn against using it inside either.