> Using raid ant and roach killer while pregnant?

Using raid ant and roach killer while pregnant?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
There is no question that any pesticides are more harmful than any pest in the home.

This type of mis use is exactly what poisons the environment.

For this one incident, I doubt any harm will come to you or your baby, but misuse of poisons is flat out dangerous. Home pesticides are generally safe "if the directions for use" are followed.

My mother suffered emphysema from exposure to pesticides, so I don't condone their use except where necessary, and you were not being overrun with spiders. A mix of dish soap and water will kill a single spider if sprayed directly.Non toxic sticky traps are quite effective.

Consider that spiders eat these other pest insects, so you might try to give them a little respect, or deal with anxieties of them.

Your baby will be okay.

Bait stations will work better and be safer. They are little plastic disks deals that you place where you want them and the ants and roaches will eat it and take it to their nest and they will die.

Spiders are creepy. They eat bugs and when the bugs are gone they leave. They have to have spray directly on them to kill them.

You used half the can to kill a spider? Lol!!

don't just spary it like fbreeze! actually spray it on the bugs and walls where they seem to be crawling on! im sure you'll be fine though

You'll be fine and so will your baby. But next time just give the can a 2 second burst of spray -- not 2 minutes. Okay?

Call poison control, they could tell you for sure.

someone please help me I've been going crazy since yesterday thinking I harmed my baby... I'm 28 weeks pregnant and roaches and all kinds of bugs have been getting into our apartment we had a new can of raid, and I just can't stand bugs so I decided to spray it around the apartment everywhere even in my room I didn't know the harm it could cause to pregnant women and their baby until I looked it up online well the first day I used it I didn't cover my mouth or nose and some got on my hand but I washed them right away I didn't leave the apartment, I went through.the whole can in only 3 days spraying all the bugs I did inhale quite a bit but I felt fine after, I tried covering my mouth and nose with a shirt when I used it the last few times and left that area/room but was still in the apt.. I saw a huge spider in my room and literally sprayed half of the can to kill it but had the shirt covering me and left right after I didn't go in there until about 5 hours later.. my question is was all that enough to harm my baby?? :(