> What are these tiny red bugs on my mums?

What are these tiny red bugs on my mums?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
They look like ladybirds and the eat aphids which are pests.

Do not get rid of ladybirds as they are your friends.

Aphids often accumulate near the growing tip where flowers develop and

aphids will often consume any small developing flower so that it does not flower at all.

Aphids multiply very quickly and ladybirds will eat lots of them.

ladybugs. they are good for gardens because they eat bad bugs

They don't look like aphids and I think they're too big to be mites. So what are they? And will they spread? How do I get rid of them? They tend to cluster around the buds, topside of the leaves. They are fast, I'm not sure how many legs. Small, red, with black spots.