> What can i legaly burn in mynb garden?

What can i legaly burn in mynb garden?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I know you can burn garden rubbish, what I nwant to know is what iam not allowed to burn

In the UK at least then you are not supposed to burn anything which will give off black or toxic smoke, so that means plastics, foam filled sofas, tyres and stuff like that. Years ago I'm sure no-one really used to bother about what they burned, I remember my dad having bonfires when I was a kid and burning all sorts of rubbish.

If we've got a lot of garden rubbish to get rid of or perhaps have been having a clear out and there's all wooden or cardboard rubbish then it's just so much easier to have a big bonfire and burn it all, we got rid of a couple of old bookcases, a dressing table and our old bed frame recently - burned up a treat and hardly anything left except a big pile of ash, and you can't beat having a good bonfire roaring up and crackling away

We always burn up all our Christmas rubbish, all the bags of wrapping and packing go on the pile - gets it all out of the way, apart from the plastic bags it's nearly all paper and cardboard so burns up quick.

People who garden don't burn plasticts,rubber materials,carpeting,petrolem products,greese,ect. Just paper or wood products that will burn completely out with very little residue.

I know you can burn garden rubbish, what I nwant to know is what iam not allowed to burn