> What do you like and dislike about these cushions?

What do you like and dislike about these cushions?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Seriously, your opinions would be much appreciated, and they'd really help me out! :D

The first is too twee. It looks like it should be in an cottage that smells of lavender and biscuits cooking in the oven. A bit dated. Just like thousands of others that you see in average shops in average towns up and down the county.

The second is more refreshing but surprisingly, a black and white colour scheme is not easy to pull off. I think it would depend on the colour scheme it was with, and the type/quality of material. There's also a little bit of me that thinks it's trying to be very contemporary, but it's not quite managing it which, I'm sorry to say, makes me think it looks a bit cheap.

Sorry, to sound so critical! Just my personal view.

I like them both, but the black and white appeals to me more. I don't care for the background colour on the bird one, but if you are putting it somewhere with other vintage colours, it would be fine.

i like both of them

but they are totally opposite in design, so it depends on your home décor which would look best.

without that info, cant help, sorry

I like them both, as a set. They don't clash, both are nature scenes, and quite an interesting pair, together.

Hi - the first one with the birds is very pretty - and is 'vintage/shabby chic' style

The second one is more of a 'retro' look - love the black and white - it also looks very 'classy'

Hope the above helps :)

Seriously, your opinions would be much appreciated, and they'd really help me out! :D