> What flowers are in this bouquet.?

What flowers are in this bouquet.?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Roses are available all year round so no problem. The white flowers are stephanotis or Madagascar Jasmine which is a tropical trailing vine grown as a house plant and a traditional element in wedding bouquets and available for most of the year, certainly in October. The small blue cone shaped flowers are Muscari or Grape Hyacinth and are usually only available in late winter or spring as they are a flowering bulb. You could replace them with forget-me-nots, blue Iris, agapanthus which is also known as love flower, or blue asters. The best person to advice you is the florist who will be making your bouquets. Have a lovely wedding.

Yes they are roses and stephanotis. Hot house flowers available all year.


Brilliant thank you. x

I love everything about this bouquet. I am getting married next year at the end of October in the UK and wondered if these flowers are available at this time of year. If not what would be good alternatives.