> What is this bug I keep seeing in my house?

What is this bug I keep seeing in my house?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Yeah, a fire-colored beetle, family Pyrochroidae. They are harmless. Find something harmful to worry about.

its a fire coloured beetle

Well, for starters, I am 19 years old and live in the basement of my parent's home. A few months ago I woke up in the middle of the night to some sort of beetle crawling up my leg. I turned the lights on, smushed the bug and flushed it down the toilet. Since then I have been seeing these bugs CONSTANTLY in my basement. I've done some research and it seems to be a "Fire Colored Beetle". I have sprayed a "bug barrier" spray which seems to be keeping ALL bugs out except for these things! I haven't seen a spider or a cricket in months, but these things are constantly where ever I walk. My bathroom, my closet, my bed, my couch, walking across the floor.

Also, this morning when I went to smush one, it made the most bizarre noise. I rested something over top of the bug so I could run and get a fly swatter and the bug was making the weirdest noise when it touched it. Not sure what that has to do with anything but it was weird!

Can anyone tell me why they are in my house and what can I do to get rid of them?

Also, I may be wrong on the type of bug but I will attach a photo.

Any help is greatly appreciated... it's becoming overwhelming.
