> What is this thing?

What is this thing?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
looks like a very old mystical wooden ship

i am not sure , by the looks of it .... it is too fine ( fancy ) to be a trade tool ....so probably one of the Victorian mad cap ..tools for service or household duties

EDIT: i think the cloest is victiran cheese knife .... the victorians ... always went over board ..... and since reading Boadicea forever , answer ....

i remember i have a similar knife in my draw ...although more tamer ...a watered down version , that does not have a Victorian extravagance

i think this is your best bet

the blade is to cut the cheese and i have a set that are razor sharpe ( unlike the one in the picture ) and the hook or points are to poke the sliced off cheese ...all with one movement if you like

It looks like a Victorian button hook to me - they used to use them for buttoning loads of small buttons on boots etc. But I don't know what it would be doing in a cutlery set. Maybe it's a grapefruit or cheese knife.

I have one similar to the image Stebburn provided and it is a cheese knife. The not-too-sharp blade slices cheese and the hook, or in the image, tines, grabs the slice so you can slide it over to your plate.

Either a Victorian butter knife or a straight razor

We have one at home, my grandpa uses it to get the bone of the fish (cooked)

Turned out to be an orange peeler. Thanks though, for all the help and the input.

Dr.Frankenstein?is that you?

I just so happened to find this thing at a garage sale, and curious as I was about it, I asked the owner about it. The guy hadn't the slightest idea as to what it was, hence him doing it away. I figured I could just check it on the internet, and since it came with a whole set of silverware cutlery, I bought it.

I have been searching the internet for the last three hours now and I can't find anything. I have made a picture of it, as you can see, and tried looking for similar images, but that hasn't provided a yield either. And while this may be in the wrong section, I had no idea where to post it otherwise, I hope that somebody here can either give me a hint of information about what this thing is, or where to post the question at.

Additional information:

It's just shy of six inches, or 15 cm.

The hook on top is ridiculously sharp. The rounding down part becomes thinner towards the bottom, but not sharp enough to cut.

Thank you in advance.